Audio Essay

Here is my audio essay about adopting animals from your local humane society.

Bumper Sticker

Bumper Sticker

Adopting animals around the world

Even around the world people are trying to encourage people to adopt animals.

And here’s a link to the video.

The Truth That People Deny

What really happens behind the shelter doors.

And here’s a link to the YouTube video.

Kittens at a shelter waiting to be adopted

Many animals are waiting everyday to be adopted.

Kittens at a shelter waiting to be adopted


Hair Color

While reading this essay all i could think about was my best friend Kelly. She is always changing her hair color for one reason or another. She says that its because she needs something new in her life, But i think its because its the only thing that she can control in her life. She was diagnosed a diabetic at the age of 3 and ever since then has tried to not let it control her life. I have watched her just about have a seizure many times when i have been with her. She needs to have something in her life as simple as hair color that she can always be in control of. I think that this article can relate to most any teenage girl who is trying to find out who they are. Many people i feel can relate to this essay about having something in their life that they can change but always know that it will come back in the end.

The Non-Designer’s Design Book

Everything that was covered in this handout is pretty much what we have been learning about lately.  The main topics that he uses contrast, repetiton, alignment, and proximity are all things that we do everyday in class when we are working on a project. We are always trying to find new ways to make are statements stand out on paper. A great example of this is our bumpersticker assignment that we are currently working on. We have to make our statement be heard on just a small amount of space and just small amounts of words.

Guys and Girls

This assignment was alot harder for me than I thought that it would be.  I know that there are many gender based pictures, but for some reason or not I could not think of many.  I started thinking about the differences between men and women to get some ideas flowing.  I then went to the best resources that I know of, the Internet! I searched for the pictures i was looking for and then printed them out.

“With Eyes that Think, and Compose, and Think: On Visual Rhetoric”

When we look at visual strategies such as the correct way to write a paper using the correct size of paper, black ink, the correct way to indent a paragraph and so on we need to also grasp the concept that there might be other correct ways to write a paper and not just rule out that something is wrong because it looks different.  We need to also think the same way when we look at other things in life such as beauty and realise that just because it isn’t considered beautiful to you doesn’t mean that it isn’t to someone else.  We need to learn to have an open mind at everything that we look at, whether it is written on paper or we are looking at something while driving down the road.

Whenever I attend an art show I try to look for the beauty in everything.  Even though some people may consider some pieces of work not art you still have to open your mind and realise that might be just how the artist was feeling at that time and that it is still art.  People have started opening their minds and realising that just because it isn’t a pretty picture that its still seen as art.

If the colors were bold red and black then it would be a more in your face page instead of the soothing black and gray.  Making the stripes vertical would make the page not as crisp.  Looking at the design on the top of the page and then having it then be all over the place would make it look to busy.

“Kairos and The Rhetorical Tradition: Seizing the Moment”

The meaning of kairos is something that not many people know that they use in everyday life.  It referrers to the certain place and time that you should talk about something.  When the correct opportunity comes along to tell a joke, put your two cents in a conversation or even just adding to someone elses ideas at the appropriate time.  Kairos is all about the correct timing and the correct thing to say at a particular moment in time.

When kairos is being used correctly in an argument it is important to pay attention to everyone and everything that is involved.  Also it is important that the argument is being presented at the right place and the right time. Knowing everything there is to know about the argument ensures that what you are saying is correct and is still in context with the argument.


1.) It has been a issue for a while that is not only debated by presidential candidates but churches as well. 

2.) The Liberals support abortion where as the conservatives are against it.

3.) I think that whatever side you are on there can be many opposing arguments that can be deemed as inappropriate when considering the audience.

4.) The biggest issue that is bound up with abortion right now is when life begins.  This is because different people have different perspectives of when life begins, and some people see that having an abortion is considered murder.

5.) A power issue that is being seen on the debate about abortion is if women should have the right to decide what they want done to their fetus or if someone else who doesn’t even know the women and her situation should have control over her body.

6.) Their isn’t a better position to be on because it all comes down to your moral beliefs and what you think is right and wrong.

7.) Liberals seem to have the upper hand right now just because abortions are still legal and if the conservatives would have the power then abortions would be illegal.

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