“Kairos and The Rhetorical Tradition: Seizing the Moment”

The meaning of kairos is something that not many people know that they use in everyday life.  It referrers to the certain place and time that you should talk about something.  When the correct opportunity comes along to tell a joke, put your two cents in a conversation or even just adding to someone elses ideas at the appropriate time.  Kairos is all about the correct timing and the correct thing to say at a particular moment in time.

When kairos is being used correctly in an argument it is important to pay attention to everyone and everything that is involved.  Also it is important that the argument is being presented at the right place and the right time. Knowing everything there is to know about the argument ensures that what you are saying is correct and is still in context with the argument.


1.) It has been a issue for a while that is not only debated by presidential candidates but churches as well. 

2.) The Liberals support abortion where as the conservatives are against it.

3.) I think that whatever side you are on there can be many opposing arguments that can be deemed as inappropriate when considering the audience.

4.) The biggest issue that is bound up with abortion right now is when life begins.  This is because different people have different perspectives of when life begins, and some people see that having an abortion is considered murder.

5.) A power issue that is being seen on the debate about abortion is if women should have the right to decide what they want done to their fetus or if someone else who doesn’t even know the women and her situation should have control over her body.

6.) Their isn’t a better position to be on because it all comes down to your moral beliefs and what you think is right and wrong.

7.) Liberals seem to have the upper hand right now just because abortions are still legal and if the conservatives would have the power then abortions would be illegal.

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